
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Coalition Gathers at Capitol Hill to Argue for Military Religious Liberty Amendment

A coalition of conservative groups, activists, and Congressmen gathered Tuesday to advocate for an amendment to defense legislation that would secure religious liberty for military personnel.

The group held a press conference in favor of a Religious Liberty Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Those present at the House Triangle who spoke included Rep. John Fleming (R-La.), who sponsored the amendment; Ron Crews, Ch. (Col.) USAR (Ret.), executive director for the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty; and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, executive vice president of the Family Research Council.

Tony Perkins, president of the FRC and one of the speakers, told The Christian Post that his organization's involvement in this effort stemmed from personal experience. "It goes back to when I was disinvited to speak at the Andrews Air Force Base because of my religious beliefs on marriage," said Perkins.

"Then we started getting reports as we spoke out on that, those incidents of intolerance, we began to get calls from other members of the military." Read more

Also read
US Military Chaplains Launch Campaign to Protect Religious Liberty Within Armed Forces

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