
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ed Stetzer: What Does a Real Movement Look Like?

Three Sparks Every Movement Needs

Actual movements are tricky things, but the word has never been more popular.

People keep referring to themselves as "a movement for global change" or "a church planting movement." If we're honest, however, that's usually not the case.

You shouldn't even be the one declaring yourself a movement. That's like saying you're smart or good-looking. As the Bible explains, "Let another praise you and not your own mouth – a stranger, and not your own lips" (Proverbs 27:2).

So, why do so many people classify themselves as a movement? People want to be a part of one. I recognize that desire because I share it. I am a seeker of movements. I want one. We need one.

Yet, only God can create a movement – it takes His divine and sovereign work. But, based on my observations in history and around the world today, there do seem to be some patterns related to such movements.

In Viral Churches, we talk a lot about "Church Multiplication Movements," and some of this is reflected there, but today I'd like to talk about movements in general.

The obvious question is, "What will it take for one to start now?" Here are three things that I believe we need to spark a movement. Read more

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