
Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Egypt tumult encompasses economy & religion

More than three dozen Egyptians are dead and 750-plus wounded after four days of demonstrations in Cairo, where millions successfully called for the ouster of President Mohammed Morsi.

Military, Muslim and Christian leaders and democracy advocates met July 3 to plan how Morsi will be replaced, the Associated Press reported.

"22 million Egyptian voter signatures are claimed to be on the petitions demanding the resignation of President Morsi," said Mike Edens, professor of theology and Islamic studies at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and former Cairo resident for 18 years. "That total number exceeds the number of people who voted in the presidential election last year. The rejection of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood [as a governing party] is broad-based and urban."

Edens added that demonstrators are not limited to Christians, Shiite Muslims or other religious minorities, as "vast swaths" of Sunni Muslims also are demonstrating against Morsi, who is a Sunni Muslim. Read more

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