
Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Kentucky Clergy Retreat with Bishop Frank Lyons

A retreat for Kentucky clergy will be held with Bishop Frank Lyons at Apostles Anglican Church, Lexington, Kentucky, on Tuesday, July 9, 2013, from 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM. A simple lunch will be provided. A collection will be taken to defray the cost of the lunch. If you plan to attend, please RSVP Martin Gornik at or Mark Royster at

Bishop Frank Lyons was bishop of Bolivia for eleven years. During his eleven year tenure as bishop of Bolivia, Bishop Lyons saw that very small diocese triple in their number of churches and ordained clergy. Bolivia is the poorest country in South America. During the crisis in the Episcopal Church, Bishop Lyons also assumed responsibility for 40 congregations across the U.S. and their clergy. He is presently an assistant bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh (Anglican Church in North America).

Bishop Lyons is a graduate of Wheaton College and holds four graduate degrees from Wheaton Graduate School, Nashotah Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Carey Theological College. He and his wife Shawnee have served as overseas missionaries with Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS) for 25 years. They have five biological children and two adopted Bolivian children.

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