
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Post-DOMA, gay marriage backers target states

At least five states are facing legal battles over marriage definitions that could determine whether the tone set by the Defense of Marriage Act's demise will resonate in individual states.

An Arkansas lesbian couple filed a lawsuit in Pulaski County Circuit Court that alleges the unconstitutionality of an Arkansas amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman, the Arkansas Baptist News said.

According to the Detroit Free Press, another lesbian couple has pushed for the legalization of gay marriage in Michigan, another state with a marriage amendment.

Gay marriage advocates also have announced plans to try and overturn traditional marriage laws in North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia.  Read more

Also read
ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging Pennsylvania's Marriage Law
Gay Marriage Criminal in Indiana, Claim Same-Sex Marriage Advocates - Law Being Misinterpreted?

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