
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Social Media and the Church

Sinner in the Hand of Angry Saints

One of the weaknesses that may come from communicating via social media is that we not only speak in short hand, but react in short hand. That is, our answers haven’t the time or characters to be nuanced, and so neither is the thought that goes into them. Our minds are less a well-ordered shelf of careful books, more a stack of broad-brushed memes. Read more

Is Social Media Making Us Narcissistic?

I hear people say all the time that social media is making us more narcissistic, but I’m not sure I agree with them.

I mean, I guess its possible we have actually become worse as a people group from overexposure to pictures of other people’s food. But I can’t help but wonder if maybe we haven’t. Maybe social media didn’t make us more self-centered or narcissistic, maybe it just revealed the way we already were. Maybe we’ve been this way all along.

Maybe the problem isn’t social media. Maybe it’s us. Read more

Where the People Are

Why even bother with social media? Read more

Why Keeping it Short Makes You More Likable (on and off Social Media)

I’ll keep this short and sweet.

Social media experts will tell you to “keep it short and sweet” because we are all looking for content that fits our lifestyle. We take information in sound bytes, between meetings or before bedtime or while we wait for a friend at a coffee shop.

This means, if you’re rapid-fire tweeting several times in a row because you can’t get your thoughts to fit in 140 characters, you’re doing it wrong! Read more

Which kind of Facebook user are you?

Facebook may have over a billion active monthly users but while some seem to live out every second of their lives on the social media network, others have hardly touched their accounts since registering.

Optify has created this amusing infographic identifying nine different types of Facebook users, from the newbies who 'like' pretty much everything, to the "over-sharer" who updates their status with zeal and shares even the things we'd rather not know.

Check out below to see which one you relate to most.... Read more

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