
Friday, July 19, 2013

Teaching Children the Bible

Do you read the Bible like a rulebook? Do you look at the biblical characters as heroes to emulate? Or do you read Scripture as a Story with one great Hero? 

When I go to churches and speak to children, I often start by asking them two questions:

First, How many people here sometimes think you have to be good for God to love you?

They tentatively raise their hands. I raise my hand along with them.

And second, How many people here sometimes think that if you aren’t good, God will stop loving you?

Almost without fail they raise their hands.

These children think they have to keep the rules or God won’t love them. They think if they mess up God will stop loving them.

These children are in Sunday schools. They know all their Bible stories. And they have missed what the Bible is all about.

They are children like I once was. Read more

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