
Monday, July 29, 2013

The Briefing: Helping poor readers in home groups

From the title you might think this article is about helping people who have English as a second language, or people with poor literacy skills, or even people suffering from dyslexia. The sort of people, in other words, that you don’t want to embarrass by asking them to read a passage out loud in the group.

Such group members do indeed sometimes need a bit of consideration. But I’m not talking about them.

I’m talking about people who don’t struggle at all with the English language; people who might have postgraduate degrees in law or English; even people who might work with words professionally every day. They could be the ones in your group who read the Bible out loud immaculately; even long lists of Hebrew names don’t seem to faze them.

So why do they need help? It’s because they are poor readers of a different type. I’m talking about people who don’t carefully read the Bible text in front of them. Read more

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