
Thursday, July 18, 2013

United Kingdom: Same-sex marriage bill is granted Royal Assent

The Daily Telegraph and BBC reported yesterday afternoon that royal assent has been given to the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Billl, paving the way for the first same-sex weddings next spring in England and Wales.

The Queen, who is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, gave her formal approval to the Bill yesterday afternoon.

Under the terms of the the Bill, religious organisations will have to "opt in" to offering weddings, with the Church of England and Church in Wales being banned in law from doing so.

But Conservative MP Sir Gerald Howarth, one of the bill's opponents, said it was "astonishing that a bill for which there is absolutely no mandate, against which a majority of Conservatives voted, has been bulldozed through both Houses". Read more

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The erosion of the moral fabric of a society is a prelude to its collapse.

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