
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why Are There So Many Unhealthy Small Churches? (Don’t Worry, It’s Good News)

“I like the idea of Small Churches. But if they’re so great, why do I see so many more unhealthy Small Churches than unhealthy big churches?”

That’s the question I was asked last week during an extended conversation with a Small Church pastor. The question wasn’t from cynicism or unkindness. It was out of genuine concern for a reality he saw.

To be honest, it’s a reality we all see – the vast majority of unhealthy churches are small. That’s unarguably true. What’s not true is his unspoken concern that most Small Churches are unhealthy.

The truth is that while the vast majority of unhealthy churches are small, the vast majority of Small Churches are not unhealthy. How can that be? Here’s what I told him. Read more

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