
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

10 years after Gene Robinson, African Anglicans to take stock

Concerned that the crisis in the worldwide Anglican Communion is deepening, conservative Anglican primates in Africa are organizing a second conference to discuss ways of returning the church to what they describe as biblical faithfulness.

The primates held the first conference in Jerusalem in 2008, five years after openly gay New Hampshire Bishop Gene Robinson was consecrated in the Episcopal Church. The action threw the communion into disarray.

At the Jerusalem meeting, the primates called for the creation of an Anglican province in North America to rival the Episcopal Church. Five years later, the primates say the new Anglican province, known as the Anglican Church in North America, is thriving.

Now, the archbishop of Nigeria and archbishops in East Africa have organized the second Global Anglican Future Conference at which they hope to accelerate the process that began in Jerusalem. The so-called GAFCON II meeting will take place Oct. 21-26 in Nairobi. Keep reading
"...The clergy trust one another to preach according to the Bible...” Have the Africans conducted a thorough investigation into the true state of the Anglican Church in North America? From what I have been able to determine, they have not. If they had, they might not be so unqualified in their recognition and support of the ACNA. 

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