
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A witnessing community

Evangelizing unbelievers can be difficult for the same reason criminals struggle to find policemen -- most are not looking for one. Instead of pursuing others with the Gospel, we cocoon ourselves with those who already know it. A vortex pulls us into the Christian bubble and slowly we can be lulled toward indifference to those yet to repent.

Genuinely drawing near to Christ will rightly submerse us in fellowship with believers, but it will simultaneously thrust us toward others in Gospel ministry. Heavily evangelistic churches become that way as individual believers are passionate and proactive in daily life. They implement the faithful exposition of Scripture and are propelled out to reach sinners for Christ.

The Great Commission is an individual commission. It will not be fulfilled in silence, but in conversations that confront unrighteousness with the kindness of God that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). Christians must cultivate evangelistic instincts, the humble tenacity to engage in Gospel conversations.

Here are a few encouragements to help in pursuing unbelievers with Christ's saving message. Read more

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