
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Archbishop of Canterbury urges caution before any decision on Syria strike

The Archbishop of Canterbury has cautioned the Government against rushing into a military response to the Syria crisis.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said government leaders needed to be "sure" of the facts and be aware of the possible ramifications that military action could have for the entire Middle East region.

"The things which MPs will have to bear in mind in what is going to be a very, very difficult debate is firstly: are we sure about the facts on the ground?" the Archbishop told The Daily Telegraph.

"Secondly: Is it possible to have a carefully calibrated response including armed force, if you are sure about the facts on the ground, that does not have unforeseeable ramifications across the whole Arab and Muslim world?" Keep reading

Also see
Britain proposes Syria resolution; Russia objects
US Ready for Military Strike on Syria; Russia Warns of 'Catastrophic Consequences'
While the use of "weapons of mass destruction"--biological, chemical, and nuclear--against civilian populations cannot in any way be condoned,  a military strike on Syria could lead to the establishment of an Islamist regime in Syria and the falling of chemical weapons into the hands of Islamist terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda. It could also encourage Islamist extremists in Egypt and Turkey. 

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