
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Book review: Creating Community - Ancient Ways for Modern Churches

When is it a "bandwagon" and when is it an authentic move of God's Spirit? Those of us who have been around a while have seen several waves of popular movements within the British church and it's never straightforward to know how much of it is God at work and how much is mere fashion.

The current movement of "New Monastic" spirituality and the continuing popularity of all things Celtic has helped many people draw closer to God, and it certainly meets the needs of our time with its blend of discipline and freedom in the Spirit.

Simon Reed is well qualified to lead the reader into the nitty-gritty of the new monastic. He is one of the three Guardians of the Community of Aidan and Hilda and is also a vicar in London. The book is written as a church leader for church leaders who want to find a new direction for their church community. Many ministers and church leaders know a little about Celtic spirituality. They have dabbled with Celtic worship and music but would like to know more. This is the book for those who want to take the next step. Read more


  1. Celtic spirituality is a new age, and modern primitive sham.

  2. I don't agree. Pagan Celtic spirituality has attracted its share of New Agers. However, this does not make Christian Celtic Spirituality New Age.

    I have reviewed a substantial portion of the Christian Celtic literature. Among the reasons for the interest in Christian Celtic spirituality is a desire to return to a spirituality of the early Church before the Great Schism between Constantinople and Rome.

    Celtic monks were responsible for evangelizing Scotland and a large part of England. They also evangelized parts of Northern Europe. They crossed the alps into Northern Italy.

    We can learn a lot from the Celtic Church. At the same time we also should not romanticize the Celtic Church. It had its weaknesses as well as its strengths.
