
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dan Delzell: Try Asking God to Overwhelm Your Issue

So you have an issue do you? Welcome to the human race. What's that? You say you have several issues? OK. Try this. Ask your Creator to overwhelm your issue. And then just watch what happens.

Perhaps your issue is anger, or jealousy, or lust. Or maybe your issue is the biggest one people tend to encounter, namely, unbelief. Just know this - it's not too big for God to handle. He can rush in like a flood and overpower that thing in your life. He really can. Remember, He is God. He can do anything, anytime, anywhere. So what have you got to worry about?

Unfortunately, we tend to assume that our besetting issue is going to remain the dominant feature of our life. That's a lie. It doesn't have to stay that way. Things change. People change. God changes things everyday all over the world. Have you ever been in on one of God's amazing changes? If not, you likely are clueless to what you have been missing. Keep reading

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