
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Desiring God: Make the Bible Your Native Tongue

Some things seem to just happen. No one in particular is to blame. Options increase, the past gets overshadowed by the present, and the next thing we know, conventional thinking shifts, and we’re heading down a new path as though it’s the one that’s always been.

For instance, there was a time when the primary influence on how we made a major purchase was the information we received from the manufacturer of a product or the provider of a service. Along the way, however, a wholesale suspicion of manufacturers and service providers now inclines people to put much more priority on the reviews they read about a product or service over the empirical data that is offered by its maker. Whether the person giving the review is objective, or even qualified to weigh in, is overshadowed by the reality that the opinions of strangers simply carry more clout these days. And the truth is, it’s a lot easier to arrive at a decision at the hands of secondary voices — who may or may not know what they’re talking about — than it is to do the gritty, personal research needed to make a well-thought through decision.

Obviously, people want to make wise purchases, and obviously there are exceptions to this trend. But I’m generalizing a bit in order to setup a point I think you might appreciate. Keep reading

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