
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Egypt: Calls to protect churches

Human Rights Watch has called upon Egyptian authorities to protect churches and religious institutions from mob attacks.

The organisation said at least 42 churches and dozens of Christian institutions had been attacked since August 14 across the governorates of Minya, Asyut, Fayum, Giza, Suez, Sohag, Bani Suef, and North Sinai.

In addition to being torched and damaged, many Christian properties have been looted. At least three Christians have died in the attacks, which were carried out after Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins in Cairo were violently broken up.

HRW is demanding an investigation into reports that security forces did nothing to prevent the attacks even when they had been made aware of the risk. Read more

Also see
Islamic Leaders Urge Egyptian Muslims to Protect Christians Facing Violence
Jihad Against Egypt's Christians: The US Must Speak Out

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