
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kelly Boggs: The moment of truth is coming

Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin - Photo:Alliance Defending Freedom.
A moment of truth is rapidly approaching for those who believe homosexuality is an immoral, aberrant behavior. The choice will be whether to capitulate to a culture that asserts, without evidence, homosexuality is natural, normal and healthy, or to insist it is sinful and suffer consequences.

The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled Aug. 22 against a wedding photographer who refused to contract with a homosexual couple to photograph a "commitment ceremony." The court upheld a decision by a state agency that found the photographer had violated state law.

Alliance Defending Freedom, an organization that advocates for religious liberty and that defended the photography company, described the situation in a news release.  Read more

Also see
NM Supreme Court: Christian Photographers Can't Refuse Gay Weddings
Christian photogs must compromise beliefs

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