
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Megachurches in the SBC — Rainer on Leadership #019 [Podcast]

For the past few years, I’ve shared a list here at of the largest churches in the SBC (2010, 2011, 2012). It’s a perennial top post because, no matter your opinion of megachurches, there is a certain fascination that surrounds the megachurch phenomenon. While megachurches are not new, they are more prominent than ever. And the big ones have gotten even larger.

In this week’s podcast episode, Jonathan and I review the top ten largest churches in the SBC. We also discuss this growing fascination with megachurches and what they mean for smaller churches that might sit in their shadows. At the end of the show, we look back to 1992 and the top 10 churches and see that while the sizes might have changed, many of the names have not. Read more

Non-Baptists may benefit from listening to the discussion about the growing fascination with megachurches and what they mean for smaller churches that might sit in their shadows. This includes smaller churches of other denominations.

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