
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Issues in Christian Leadership

Can You Drink This Cup?

We have a leadership crisis. But not the one we think. Read more

The Biggest Risk Facing Young, Reformed Black Men

The biggest risk facing young, Reformed Black men is being thrust into ministry too soon. The acute need for the unique blend of theological and cultural gifts these young men offer sometimes causes churches to send them out before they’re ready. Read more

Let’s Take Leadership Seriously

In John C. Maxwell’s book Developing the Leader Within You, he explains that the majority of people believe being a leader is a position or title. Most often we strive for a title or status and believe that once we achieve the particular status, we become leaders. He goes on to challenge readers by asking what type of leaders they are. Hitler was a leader. Jim Jones was also a leader. Read more

Are We Called by God, Coerced or Coercing?

What shapes our identity and sense of mission? Do we sense God's call? Or do we feel God has coerced us, or perhaps worse, that we are trying to coerce God and others to give us a free rite of passage? Paradoxically perhaps to some, no matter how hard we try to manipulate and outmaneuver God and others, we end up tying ourselves up in knots. Read more

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