
Friday, August 30, 2013

Surprising Bouquets of Grace

Photo: Kentucky Native Plant and Wildlife Blog
I was pleasantly surprised recently while on a walk with my 4-year-old daughter. She pointed out a flower, stooped over it to smell it, and then turned back at me to smile. Armed with this cute smile that was framed by her curly hair, she made her request, “Come and smell this one, Daddy.” Being neither willing nor able to refuse her, I complied. And after smelling the flower I have to admit, it smelled surprisingly beautiful. The strange thing is I have walked up and down this street for years but never noticed this flowerbed. My little girl pointed it out and gave me the privilege of enjoying this moment with her.

Do you walk down the same road week after week in your worship gathering or personal devotions? Have you become too familiar with the scenery? Does the bouquet of grace fade into the background of life? As Christians we want to be regularly taken by the beauty and sweetness of the gospel flower.

This happened to me twice in the last few days. On both occasions it was while singing some of the most common hymns that we sing as Christians. Keep reading

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