
Monday, August 19, 2013

Greg Stier: Writing a Sermon Is Like Building a House

I  was in construction for 8 years of my life, mostly as a roofer. Having done tons of new construction houses over the years I learned a lot about what it takes to build a house from the ground up. There’s something about being on a roof for twelve hours a day at a new construction site that gives you a birds eye view of the entire building process.

All during the time I was a roofer I was also developing sermons. As a volunteer middle school youth leader and once-in-awhile pulpit fill at a small Baptist church I learned to exegete a text at the same time I was learning to swing a hammer.

There’s a lot of parallels to building a house from the ground up to building a sermon from the text up. Here are at least seven. Read more

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