
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Anglican Connection: Draft Charter

Anglican Connection

A network of Anglican Churches within the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA)

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:


For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all, training us to renounce impiety and worldly passions, and in the present age to live lives that are self-controlled, upright, and godly, while we wait for the blessed hope and manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. He it is who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify for himself a people of his own who are zealous for good deeds (Titus 2:11-14).

Christ in you, the hope of glory. It is he whom we proclaim warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ (Colossians 1:27b-28).

Article 1 Fundamental Declarations

The Anglican Connection, being part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church of Jesus Christ, believes and confesses Jesus Christ as Lord. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life: no-one comes to the Father but by Him (John 14:6).

The Anglican Connection affirms the Jerusalem Declaration of GAFCON, June 2008 and in particular:

a) confesses and upholds the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be God’s Word written, containing all that is necessary for salvation;

b) confesses and upholds the orthodox Christian creeds, namely the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed together with the Chalcedonian Definition;

c) subscribes to the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion as containing the true doctrine of the Church agreeing with God’s Word and as authoritative for Anglicans today;

d) upholds The Book of Common Prayer as set forth by the Church of England in 1662, together with the Ordinal attached to the same, as setting out the true and authoritative standard for doctrine and worship; and e) recognizes three orders of ministry – bishops, presbyters (priests) and deacons.

Article 2 Mission

Within the framework of biblical, gospel-focused and reformational Anglicanism the purpose of the Anglican Connection is to build up God’s people into a personal and vital relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and to faithfully and effectively proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ across the United States of America and around the world.

The Anglican Connection is a movement within Anglicanism that is an outworking of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) held in Jerusalem, June 2008.

Article 3 Ecclesiastical Organization and Governance

Section 3.1 A Region within the Province of Nigeria

Anglican Connection is a North American church planting movement organized within the Anglican Church of Nigeria, and dependent upon its spiritual leadership and fellowship. Anglican Connection is a Region formed pursuant to Article 5.4 of the CANA bylaws. Except in matters delineated by this Charter, the Constitution and Canons of the Province of Nigeria govern the Anglican Connection

Section 3.2 Synod

The Anglican Connection is governed by a College of Laity and Clergy meeting as a Synod. An Inaugural Synod is described in Article 6 of this Charter. The Synod must meet annually.

Section 3.3 The business of Synod

• The ordinary business of the annual Synod will include the ongoing coordination and direction of the Anglican Connection in accordance with its essential Mission

• an annual budget

• funding for and support for an Anglican seminary whose teaching is consistent with the fundamental principles of the Anglican Connection

• funding to facilitate the advancement of the gospel through the establishment of an effective church-planting movement.

Section 3.4 Regional Networks

As required the Anglican Connection may be further organized into regional networks created by the Anglican Connection Synod.

Section 3.5 The Standing Committee

The Standing Committee does the work of Synod during the intervening period between Synod meetings, and is accountable to the Synod. The Standing Committee is comprised of:

The responsibilities of the Standing Committee include: overseeing the financial affairs of the Anglican Connection, having custody and control of all Anglican Connection property, admitting and dismissing affiliated churches and missions within the Anglican Connection and maintaining the church roster, advising the College of Bishops in ecclesiastical affairs, and making preparations for the next Synod, including establishing the agenda and reporting on its meetings and actions since the prior synod.

Section 3.6 Panel of Review

A Panel of Review shall adjudicate by majority decision any interpretive questions raised in the North American implementation of this Charter and the Provincial Canons. The Panel shall consist of North American bishops and presbyters and lay representatives elected to the Panel by the Synod together with Nigerian bishops and presbyters appointed by the Provincial House of Bishops. The number of North American panelists shall not be fewer than two, nor shall it be greater than five. The number of Nigerian panelists shall not be fewer than two, nor shall it be greater than five. The North American panelists shall be elected by Synod. The Panel will elect a chair from their own number. The chair has a deliberative vote only. Once the North American panelists have been appointed the Nigerian House of Bishops may appoint an equal number.

Section 3.7 Secular Organization

In order to comply with laws of state within North America, the Anglican Connection may organize as a non-profit corporation. Should such secular organization be necessary, the board of directors for the corporation (the Steering Team) shall consist of one bishop, two clergy and four lay-persons who are members of the Standing Committee and who are elected to the board by the Synod. The board (Steering Team) shall take no action without authorization by the Standing Committee. During the interim period prior to the Inaugural Synod, the board of directors for any such corporation shall consist of an entire Steering Team.

Article 4 Churches

Section 4.1 Affiliated Churches

The local church is the primary missionary unit of the Anglican Connection. There are three prerequisites for church affiliation with the Anglican Connection: a) the church must have at least fifty adult, baptized and communicant members, b) it must not be financially dependent on another church or the Anglican Connection, and c) it must subscribe to this Charter. Churches meeting these three prerequisites may request affiliation with the Anglican Connection. Determination of affiliation is at the discretion of the Standing Committee. Churches that so affiliate may not be simultaneously affiliated with any other ecclesiastical or episcopal authority unless specified by this Charter. All previous instruments of governance for the church are no longer in effect.

Section 4.2 Mission Churches

Churches that do not have at least fifty members and/or are financially dependent on another church or the Anglican Connection may request designation as Mission Churches within the Anglican Connection, provided the leadership of the Mission Church subscribes to this Charter.

Section 4.3 Church Property and Assets

The Anglican Connection has no ownership rights to any property or assets belonging to its affiliated churches and missions.

Section 4.4 Vestries

In every church of the Anglican Connection there shall be a duly constituted Vestry (or Church Council or Board) that aids the Rector in all agencies and efforts for the advancement of the church. This body shall be presided over by the Rector (or Senior Minister), if there be one. The duties of the Vestry shall include:

a) developing and overseeing the annual budget, and providing for all salaries and expenses of the church;

b) keeping a proper account of all funds consistent with accounting principles that are accurate and transparent;

c) notification of their Bishop when the church is without Rector, or in instances of the gross misconduct or extreme negligence of their Rector;

d) election and calling of a Rector, with due regard to the needs and priorities of the full church, and with the approval of their Bishop.

Section 4.5 Rectors

The Rector of a church is elected and called by the Vestry of that church, with approval from their Bishop. The duties of the Rector include:

a) exercising pastoral ministry in accordance with The Book of Common Prayer (1662) and the Ordinal. b) presiding at all meetings of the Vestry, except on rare occasions when circumstances warrant that the Rector designate another member of the Vestry to preside;

c) in consultation with the church wardens, final authority in the administration of all matters pertaining to the public worship, Christian Education, mission and ministry within the church, subject to the godly counsel of the Bishop; d) appoint, terminate, and have authority over all ministers of the church and staff (lay or ordained) assigned to his office, by whatever name they may be designated; (the Church Council has the responsibility to determine the funding of such staff;

e) keep a register of all baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials solemnized by him or another minister in his church and a list of the active members of the church;

Section 4.6 Subscription

Upon initial affiliation, and every three years thereafter during the month of January, the Vestry or Church Council must subscribe in writing on church letterhead as follows:

"We, the lay-leaders of this church, hereby renew and confess our mission as ambassadors of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We uphold our commitment to share in the ministry of the Anglican Connection in conformity with the Charter (2012). We do hereby authorize the Chairman and Secretary of this meeting to certify this action in writing to the appointed representative of the Anglican Connection.”

Section 4.7 Liability

The Anglican Connection shall have no obligation to indemnify or hold harmless any person, nor to insure against or in any way assume liability, relating to or arising out of any act or failure to act by any person, whether clergy or laity, who is part of an affiliate church or mission church of the Anglican Connection. The Anglican Connection shall not recognize any person as an employee, agent or contractor of the Anglican Connection except as may be otherwise agreed in writing from time to time.

Article 5 Clergy

Section 5.1 Ministers of the Gospel

Every member of the affiliated churches of the Anglican Connection is expected to exercise their Spirit given gifts and skills for the edification of God’s people and the building into God’s church those who are being saved (1 Corinthians 12 – 14). The ministry of God’s Word is key to the building up of God’s people in the faith and the building in of others into the faith.

Section 5.2 Clergy

The Anglican Connection is committed to the ongoing recruitment, development, training, apprenticeship, placement and ordination of clergy and other vocational ministry personnel. All Anglican Connection clergy must be duly ordained by the Anglican Church of Nigeria, or another Anglican Province. Active clergy must be in good standing with the Church of Nigeria and licensed by the Bishop overseeing the regional network to serve in a particular church of that network.

Section 5.3 Bishops

The office and function of a bishop is in accordance with requirements and prescription for bishops as found in the Ordinal of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Bishops serve by leading in the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ for the head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ. It is his church; the unity and fullness of the church is found in Christ alone.

Note: Presbyters, consecrated as Anglican bishops outside of the Anglican Connection may be admitted into the Anglican Connection, are not automatically licensed to the office or authority of bishop by virtue of such admission.

Section 5.4 Men and Women in Ministry

The Anglican Connection upholds the biblical teaching that both men and women are created in God’s image and called to service in his Kingdom. For this reason, the Anglican Connection is committed to promoting the ministry of women alongside men, both within and outside the church. At the same time, the Bible also teaches that God created men and women with distinct differences, and has given them different roles within his Kingdom. For this reason, the Anglican Connection does not ordain women as Presbyters, nor does it consecrate women as Bishops, nor does it receive or license women to serve as Presbyters or Bishops.

Section 5.5 Subscription

At ordination, upon initial licensure, and every year thereafter during the month of January, the Anglican Connection clergy must subscribe in writing as follows:

“As a duly ordained member of the clergy of the Anglican Connection, I believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life: no-one comes to the Father but by Him;

“I confess and uphold the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be God’s Word written, containing all that is necessary for salvation;

“I confess and uphold the orthodox Christian creeds, namely the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed together with the Chalcedonian Definition;

“I subscribe to The Thirty-nine Articles, as containing the true doctrine of the Church agreeing with God’s Word and as authoritative for Anglicans today;

“I uphold The Book of Common Prayer as set forth by the Church of England in 1662, together with the Ordinal attached to the same, as setting out the true and authoritative standard for doctrine and worship;

“I affirm the Jerusalem Declaration of 2008, and the Anglican Connection Charter of 2012.

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

5.6 The Book of Common Prayer

The Book of Common Prayer (1662), together with the Ordinal attached to the same, establishes the theological, liturgical and ministry principles for the Anglican Connection however, no canon shall make its literal use imperative on all occasions.

Article 6 Constituting of the Inaugural Synod

Section 6.1 Authority and Organization of the Inaugural Synod

The purpose of the Inaugural Synod shall be to govern the Anglican Connection with the oversight, prayers, and encouragement of the House of Bishops of Nigeria. The Anglican Connection Steering Team shall determine the date, time and place of meetings of the synod. No less than sixty days prior to the synod, the Steering Team shall give written notice of the date, time and place to all the Anglican Connection clergy and churches by mail, email, or other electronic publication.

Each affiliated church shall be represented in the Inaugural Synod as directed by this Charter. The synod shall function as a unicameral body of clergy and laity. The synod shall have authority to adopt a Constitution, Canons and rules of order and discipline, organize the Anglican Connection into regional networks, approve resolutions and budgets, elect a Standing Committee pro tempore and representatives to the Panel of Review, ratify any protocol established between the Anglican Connection and the Province of Nigeria, and take any other specific action for the conduct of the affairs of the Anglican Connection, provided such actions do not conflict with this Charter.

Section 6.2 Composition

The Inaugural Synod shall be composed of the lay and clerical delegates from the affiliated churches and the Anglican Connection Steering Team. The lay delegates to the synod shall be composed of representative lay persons from the churches affiliated with the AC thirty days prior to the beginning of the synod. The clerical delegates shall be composed of bishops, presbyters and deacons licensed in the AC thirty days prior to the beginning of the synod. No one under ecclesiastical discipline of the Anglican Connection shall be entitled to a seat in the synod. Each elected lay delegate and each clerical delegate shall have voice and vote at the synod. Proxies shall not be used to vote at meetings of the synod….

Section 6.3 Meetings

There shall be a meeting of the Inaugural Synod, and afterwards there may be special meetings of the synod, as provided by this charter. For such special meetings, lay delegates who served during the Inaugural Synod shall serve for any special meeting held prior to the next synod, unless other delegates are chosen in the interim by the affiliated church.

Special meetings may be called by the Standing Committee, or by 25% of the lay and/or clerical delegates of the Inaugural Synod. No less than fifteen days prior to any special meeting, the Registrar must notify all the Anglican Connection clergy and churches by mail, email, or other electronic publication, regarding the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting. No other business shall be transacted than that stated in the notice of the special meeting, unless a majority of the voting members present at the special meeting authorize the transaction of such other business.

Section 6.4 Quorum for the transaction of business at the Inaugural Synod

One half of the elected lay delegates and one half of the clerical delegates shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Inaugural Synod, or subsequent special meetings, but a smaller number constituting a majority of those present may adjourn any such meeting.

Section 6.5 Presiding Officer of the Inaugural Synod

The Chairman of the Steering Team shall preside at all meetings of the Inaugural Synod. At his discretion, he may assign a presiding officer to serve during all or a portion of the remainder of the synod.

Section 6.6 Voting

The Inaugural Synod shall deliberate and vote as one body and a majority of those voting, all together or by orders, shall be necessary for a decision, except as otherwise provided in this charter. There may be a vote by orders if requested by five delegates to the synod in which case a majority of those voting in each order shall be necessary for a decision. Voting by orders shall consist of two bodies, the laity and the clergy, the latter being comprised of deacons, presbyters and bishops.

Section 6.7 Lay Representation

a. No fewer than thirty days prior to the beginning of the Inaugural Synod, the Steering Team shall appoint a Registrar for the synod. The Registrar shall compile and maintain a list of the College of Laity. The list shall contain the physical addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers and church membership of the lay delegates and shall be made available to Anglican Connection churches at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the synod. Any lay delegate whose name is not on the list and who wishes to vote at the synod shall bring the omission to the attention of the Registrar. Members of the clergy ordained in the Anglican Communion may not serve as lay delegates.

b. Each Affiliated Church shall be entitled to one voting lay delegate. In addition, each Affiliated Church whose average Sunday attendance (ASA) exceeds 100 shall be entitled to one additional voting lay delegate for each 100 or fraction thereof above the first 100, except that the total number of voting lay delegates from any Church shall not exceed three (3). “ASA” means the Average Sunday Attendance of a Church or Mission for the current calendar year, including clergy, members, visitors and children.

c. Each Mission Church shall be permitted to send one lay person to have seat and voice but not vote in the Inaugural Synod, nor be counted in the determination of quorum.

d. Lay delegates shall be selected by each Affiliated Church according to the manner specified by the by-laws of that church. In churches whose by-laws do not specify a selection process, the vestry shall bear the responsibility for delegate selection. Each lay delegates must be a baptized Christian believer at least eighteen years of age, of sound mind and character, a member of the Affiliated Church, and familiar with the beliefs and practices of the Anglican Connection as described in this Charter, particularly in the Fundamental Declarations of Article 1.

e. Each Affiliated Church and Mission Church shall report its selection to the Registrar no later than thirty days before the first day of the Inaugural Synod. The official roster of the College of Laity shall be made available to the synod on the first day of its meeting and shall be used as the basis for determining quorum.

Section 6.8 Clerical Representation

a. The Registrar shall prepare a list of the College of Clergy, that is, bishops, presbyters and deacons licensed in the Anglican Connection. The list shall contain the physical addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and licensed positions of the clergy and shall be made available to the Anglican Connection churches at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the Inaugural Synod. Any member of the clergy eligible to vote whose name is not on the list and wishing to vote at the Synod may bring the omission to the attention of the Registrar. Members of the clergy ordained in the Anglican Communion may not serve as lay delegates.

b. Licensed clergy serving as rectors in Affiliated Churches within the Anglican Connection shall be entitled to seat, voice and vote at the Inaugural Synod.

c. Licensed clergy serving in Affiliated Churches within the Anglican Connection in positions other than rector shall have seat and voice, but shall not be entitled to a vote at the Inaugural Synod nor be counted in the determination of quorum.

d. Licensed clergy serving as the lead minister of Mission Churches within the Anglican Connection shall have seat and voice and vote at the Inaugural Synod.

e. The official roster of the College of Clergy shall be made available to the Inaugural Synod on the first day of its meeting and shall be used as the basis for determining quorum.

Section 6.9 Inspectors of Election

Inspectors of election, if appointed by the Registrar, shall consist of two clerical delegates and two lay delegates who shall assist the Registrar to determine the presence of a quorum and hear and resolve any disputes over proper representation in the Synod. The Registrar shall preliminarily determine whether a delegate is entitled to be seated, to be heard, or to vote in the Synod, but the final decision may be made by the Synod by a majority vote of the delegates present and entitled to vote.

Section 6.10 Order

a. Prior to the Inaugural Synod, the Steering Team may create pre-synod committees to prepare materials for consideration in any areas deemed necessary. Where possible, delegates should receive any necessary reports in preparation for the synod.

b. The Chairman of the Steering Team shall present Rules of Order for the Inaugural Synod at the outset of the meeting. These rules may be suspended by a two- thirds majority of the synod.

c. A Secretary of the synod shall be appointed to keep the minutes of the meetings of the Synod and shall submit such reports as the Chairman may request.

d. Worship in accordance with the theological and liturgical principles of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer shall begin, end, and be conducted each day of the synod.

Section 6.11 Subsequent Synods

a. Prior to the conclusion of the Inaugural Synod, a date for the next Synod must be chosen and announced by the Synod Chairman. The date must not be fewer than nine months nor greater than thirty months following the conclusion of the synod.

b. The Inaugural Synod shall make provision for subsequent Synods by defining their composition, organization, representation, and order in terms agreeable to this Charter.

Article 7 Ratification and Amendments

Section 7.1 Ratification

This charter is intended to guide in the organization of the Anglican Connection; however, it remains provisional until it is ratified by a two-thirds majority in the Inaugural Synod. From the time of its approval by the Provincial House of Bishops until such time as it is ratified in synod, this charter may be amended by the Steering Team with the permission of the House of Bishops.

Section 7.2 Amendment

Following the ratification of this charter by the Inaugural Synod, it may be further amended by a two-thirds majority of both clergy and laity in Synod.

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