
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Being a Christian carries a death sentence now

In Pakistan, suicide bombers in Peshawar killed 60 Christians in their local church. In Nairobi, gunmen shot 69 (and counting) shoppers at a mall — but freed the ones who could name the Prophet's mother. What these two tragedies have in common is that the killers were Muslim and the victims, Christian. The other similarity will be the response of the West: gentle reproaches followed by… nothing.

Being a Christian, in some parts of the world, carries a death sentence. It carries little weight — and attracts a lot of opprobrium — in this part of the world. Having done their best to erase God from public life, secular authorities have stealthily loosened our identity as Christians. As I have written in my ebook, "No God Zone", traditional ceremonies, rituals and even pledges have been suppressed because of their "religiosity". Thus, when we witness the sufferings of our "brothers and sisters in Christ", we feel only a twinge, where once we would have felt a shock. Keep reading

Also see
The silence of our friends – the extinction of Christianity in the Middle East
Those we have labeled "Islamic extremists" are practicing what their religion teaches--kill those who do not embrace Islam and stamp out all other religions beside Islam.

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