
Monday, September 30, 2013

Christianity in danger of becoming extinct in its birthplace

Photo: Stephen Sizer
Respected UK historian Tom Holland told a briefing in London this week that the world is watching the effective extinction of Christianity from its birthplace.

In an apocalyptic appraisal of the worsening political situation in the region, a panel of experts provided a mass of evidence and statistics for the end of the region's nation states under the onslaught of militant Islam.

"In terms of the sheer scale of the hatreds and sectarian rivalries, we are witnessing something on the scale of horror of the European Thirty Years War," said Holland.

"It is the climax of a process grinding its way through the twentieth century – the effective extinction of Christianity from its birthplace." Keep reading

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Christians are being thrown to the lions again
"If one part [of the Church] suffers, every part suffers with it" (1 Corinthians 12:26)

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