
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Congregation sells building to help church plant

What Crossroads Church in Hinesville, Ga., is doing to obey God and penetrate lostness in Toronto seems crazy. They are, you might say, at a bit of a crossroads and have decided to take the path less traveled.

Crossroads Church is selling their church building and its 16 acres, setting aside more than $1 million and -- with no solid prospects of where they'll meet -- continuing to call themselves a church and make plans for future ministry. They have hopes a local school will let them use their space.

The church has designated the funds from the building and property sale for church planting work locally, throughout North America and globally -- and has no plans yet to start building anything new. To top it all off they're sending their pastor, Danny Eason, to another country to start a church just as things were getting good. Keep reading
What sacrifices is your congregation making to advance the cause of the gospel?

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