
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Our endangered foundations

In Psalm 11:3, King David asked the question: "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Whenever a structure's foundation is destroyed, its eventual collapse is inevitable. It is not a question of "if" it will fall, but only a question of "when."

When the foundations of nations are destroyed, the eventual demise of those nations is inevitable. It doesn't matter if it's ancient Israel or modern-day America, destroyed foundations always are forerunners of a nation's inevitable downfall.

As the legalization of same-sex marriage looms, it threatens to destroy America's three God-ordained foundations. Keep reading

Also see
Religious Freedom Under Attack
10-Year-Old Banned From Writing About God By Memphis Teacher, Told to Remove Paper From School Property
Pledge's 'under God' phrase faces Mass. court scrutiny

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