
Friday, September 20, 2013

Russian Meteorite Church Blames Meteor for Situation in Syria

A new church in Russia believes that a sunken meteorite contains sacred scriptures and is responsible for the worsening situation in Syria. The Chelyabinsk meteorite has several followers who believe the meteorite contains sacred scriptures that are meant to be handled with care.

"The meteorite that hit Russia's Ural Mountains in mid-February contained 'scriptures' that can usher in a new age on Earth," followers of the new religion told local media. "Mishandling the meteorite could cause harm throughout the world and may already be fueling the bloody civil strife in Syria," Andrei Breivichko told 10BL.RU news.

The meteorite sunk into a nearby lake and members of the Church of the Chelyabinsk Meteorite believe that removing it from the water could cause irreparable harm. "Psychic priests" of the cult are apparently the only ones equipped to handle the meteorite; if the meteorite is to be removed, the priests believe they should be allowed to handle it, and then place it in a temple. Keep reading

Also see
Airburst Explained: NASA Addresses the Russian Meteor Explosion
1kg meteorite piece found in Russian Urals, biggest chunk yet discovered
Humans have a long history of worshiping meteorites. The Black Stone in the Kaaba, Islam's holiest shrine at Mecca, was at one time believed to be such a meteorite as Muslims claim that it fell from heaven. It predates Islam. 

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