
Thursday, September 05, 2013

Syria Conflict Is Fulfillment of End Times Prophecy? Christian Theologians Weigh In

The Great Fire of London
While some have speculated about the possibility that the ongoing Syrian civil war may be connected to the End Times, many theologians are skeptical.

Dr. Floyd Elmore, professor of theology at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, N.C., told The Christian Post that no one could have absolute certainty on a connection. "Since the Lord said 'no man knows the day or the hour when He comes,' I don't really think that anyone can say with absolute certainty that these specific events are going to lead to the End Times Catastrophes," said Elmore.

Elmore also talked about how events like Syria could be used as "stage props" when showcasing a possible end of days. "'Stage props' that would make a very good End Times scenario, but since we're supposed to be expecting the Lord to come at any time, I think there have been very good stage props in every generation," he noted.

"So these could be very good stage props, but we just don't know if this will be the last scenario or not…Apparently people have just looked into the concordance and found wherever the word 'Damascus' occurs…" Keep reading

1 comment:

  1. Dreaming with satan. Death wished end of days for man's failures and satan's gain.
