
Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Heart of the Gospel and The Gospel Project: The Atonement

In spring of next year, The Gospel Project team will release the seventh volume of our new curriculum. You may have heard that the Gospel Project recently passed half a million weekly users.
It's a crazy thing—God is using The Gospel Project around the world, in different denominations, to make a difference.

It's a bit intimidating, really, but so encouraging. Just last night, I worked through some edits of this upcoming release. I can't tell you how excited I am.

Well, the section we are editing now is focused on the atonement. The heart of the gospel—and, thus, the heart of The Gospel Project—is tied up in the atonement. The atonement has been in the news lately—see this Christianity Today story for more information.

As we work through the three-year cycle of The Gospel Project, we are going through a sequence to cover all the major theological areas in which Christians need to be grounded. We believe that such planned approaches are simply better for stewardship and provide more theological grounding than the hit-and-miss approach of following sermons or doing one-off studies.

Trevin Wax and I will also be taking off our editor caps and also writing some of the lessons for the first time. Needless to say, we think the topic of the atonement is pretty essential. Last week, we finalized our "opening letters" for the series and I thought I'd share them with you. If you'd like more information about The Gospel Project, click here.

Also, we are currently looking for a team leader for The Gospel Project for Kids. We want to enlist someone who is passionate about raising up the next generation, someone who wants to see kids grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures and exhibit a personal, passionate trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord. If you are interested or have recommendations, email Trevin and let him know. Keep reading

Also see
What Makes a Full Atonement Full?
The Emergent Pope: Francis and the Crisis of Catholicism (Pt. 1)

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