
Thursday, October 24, 2013

A New Growth Model: South Hills Church

South Hills Church Lead Pastor Chris Sonksen doesn’t videotape his sermons for the other campuses of the multisite church that originated in Corona, Calif.; that would be hard for a pastor who doesn’t regularly preach.

Since he and wife Laura began the church with a core group of 50 people in 1998, he says, their mission was to lead unchurched people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. In the past year, that’s meant devoting more time to coaching pastors on how to expand their reach and “adopting” some of those leaders’ churches into partnership with South Hills.

“I don’t even speak except for once in a while at some of the campuses, so I think it’s unique—we’ve created a ‘McDonald’s headquarters,’ and we’re opening up ‘McDonald’s,’” he says. Keep reading

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