
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ed Stetzer: Church Planting in the City and in a Multi-Ethnic Context: The Next CPLF Gathering

Join us at our Church Planting Leadership Fellowship in November. 

For the past few years we have hosted a gathering of church planting leaders from across North America to consider process and practices of church planting. We call this group the Church Planting Leadership Fellowship.

This is a peer group, specifically focused on those who are leading church planting efforts in their denomination and/or network. This coming month we'll be hosting our next gathering, and this time we are focusing on Alpha cities and multi-ethnic church planting. We have gathered together a faculty that is among the finest minds in North American church planting and, if you are a denomination or network leader, I want to invite you to consider joining us as we learn together.

Our faculty this year features names like Tim Keller, Wilfredo de Jesus (Pastor Choco), Andy Crouch, Justin Buzzard, Ray Chang, Aaron Coe and Alvin Sanders. You can find bios on each of these speakers, as well as more information, at our CPLF website by clicking here.

With the increasing urbanization occurring, not only in North America, but also across the globe, and with the increasing ethnic and cultural diversity in North America, there may be no more important topics to deal with than that of Alpha cities and multi-ethnic church planting. Keep reading

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