
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ed Stetzer: The Third Wave: The Continualist Movement Continues

John Wimbar
What is the Third Wave Charismatic Movement?

I've been blogging through some history of my brothers and sisters in Christ in the continualist movement, particularly focusing on Pentecostal, charismatic, and Third Wave expressions, over the last week.

It's been encouraging to see many speak about continualist believers in winsome ways in the last few days. It appears that the end result of recent conversations is that evangelicals appear to want to understand the continualist movement, not caricature it, and that's encouraging. I hope my series can be a small help in that.

As I near the end of my series on continualism, I want to highlight classical Pentecostalism's doctrine of subsequence and briefly identify the three waves of the continualist movement. Then, I'll deal with a few key elements of the Third Wave Movement. Keep reading

Also read
Ed Stetzer: Continualist Christians: An Overview
Ed Stetzer: Understanding the Charismatic Movement

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