
Saturday, October 26, 2013

GAFCON offers itself as 'important and effective instrument of Communion'

GAFCON 2013 began by learning from the East African Revival and ended with the singing of the revival song 'Tukutendereza Jesu' in response to the reading of the Nairobi Communique and Commitment.

Three thousand words in length, it sets the following path for this global movement that "will continue to work within the Anglican Communion for its renewal and reform".

To that end it identifies as a priority "supporting genuine gospel initiatives, recognising that there are times when the maintenance of structures can constrain the proclamation of the Gospel".

In line with the 2008 GAFCON Jerusalem Statement's expectation that the Primates' Council would intervene to provide "orthodox oversight to churches under false leadership", the Primates' Council will carefully consider working beyond existing structures as an obedient response to Jesus' commission to take the Gospel to all nations.

The significance of this statement is that it speaks for over 300 bishops and archbishops around the Anglican Communion. Keep reading

Also see
GAFCON votes to expand
GAFCON Friday highlights [Video]
GAFCON 2013, Nairobi [Photo Gallery]

Photo: Andrew Gross, ACNA

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