
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Leadership and Mission

Why You MUST Develop More Leaders

If you want your church to grow, and if you want the Kingdom to grow, you’re going to need to develop many more leaders. In the early church, an interesting turn of events happens when the apostles shift from simply preaching to releasing leaders. Keep reading

How Integrity Drives Your Leadership

Integrity is essential to leadership. It is the first of John Maxwell’s famous 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Best-selling author on leadership Warren Bennis calls integrity “the most important characteristic of a leader.” In his memoir, Jack Welch, former GE executive, said integrity was his organization’s “No. 1 value.” He said they never had a corporate meeting where integrity wasn’t emphasized in his closing remarks. Keep reading

10 Differences About Buzzwords and Leadership

On several occasions when teaching, I’ve noted the difference between buzzwords and leadership. In fact, I think that a key facet of leadership is knowing the difference between a strategy and a collection of buzzwords. In the corporate world, there are a multitude of buzzwords (and phrases) that need to fall out of existence. And, yes, I’m an offending party on several of these. Keep reading

You Can Lead with Influence

Leaders with influence stand out. When a teacher has influence, students seek a relationship outside of class and ask advice on topics outside of the curriculum. When a manager has influence, employees pitch in on projects without being asked. When a pastor has influence, Christians find any excuse to join his Sunday morning coffee hour conversations. When an older sibling has influence, the closeness lasts well into adulthood. In each case, we follow influential leaders, not because we have to, but because we want to. Keep reading

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