
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Matthew Owens: Reality Checks for a Future Church Planter

I’m sitting in a small coffee shop in my hometown when a guy who used to be in my Bible study several years ago interrupts me. It’s great to see him, and I excitedly tell him about what next week holds for me: moving to Boston for church planting. “That’s awesome,” he says. “It sure is,” I think to myself, “I’m awesome.”

As we’re talking, I realize the guy next to me is not-so-discreetly eavesdropping our conversation. Out of the corner of my eye, I see two books in front of him: an ESV Bible that matches mine and Why Cities Matter by Stephen Um and Justin Buzzard. “He’s reading about what I’m doing,” I think, “tons of young pastor types and students are reading and dreaming about what I’m going to do.” (Stephen Um pastors a PCA church in Boston that was planted by Christ the King, my church.)

Later, I mask the swelling pride and ask the young man what he does. His dream is to to plant a church in New England. “Of course it is,” I think to myself, “I’m living the dream.”

When I step away from the conversation, because I have to move my car to avoid parking tickets just like everyone else, the Holy Spirit not-so-gently reminds me of the real reality, how I have no reason to be proud, and what my posture should be towards the ministry that He’s called me to in greater Boston. Here are some reality checks for me and for and other budding church planters.... Keep reading

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