
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ministry Grid: Overcoming Challenges Unique to Leadership

Several experienced church leaders share their wisdom about overcoming challenges in different areas of ministry: Church planting, leadership development, staying humble, and sharing responsibility. We also offer 7 links to inspire, encourage, and inform you.

How to Kill Your Church Plant in Three Easy Steps - Dustin Neely

Dustin Neeley shares three mistakes church planters can make that will kill their ministry. Keep reading

Modeling Humility in Leadership - Jeff Iorg [Video]

Jeff Iorg explains how a leader can pursue and model humility even while leading strongly. Watch now

3 Leadership Questions with Mac Lake - Mac Lake

Ministry Grid Advisory Council member, Mac Lake, answers three crucial questions about the importance of leadership development. Keep reading

How Mark Dever Passes Out Authority - Jonathan Leeman

Jonathan Leeman shares what he has learned from pastor Mark Dever about distributing authority to others in ministry. Keep reading

Servant Leadership and Ministry Grid - Dr. Yunhan Gwo [Video]

Dr. Yunhan Gwo shares briefly about the significance of servanthood in ministry. Watch now

You Are a Leader and You Are Responsible. Deal with It - Brad Lomenick

Brad Lomenick explains how leaders in high pressure spots can handle all the responsibility. Keep reading

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