
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

New discipleship course from Church of England

The Church of England has published a new Christian discipleship course, 'Pilgrim: A Course for the Christian Journey', offering teaching and discipleship resources for all.

'Pilgrim: A Course for the Christian Journey' was written by Bishop of Chelmsford, the Right Reverend Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Sheffield, the Right Reverend Steven Croft, Paula Gooder and Robert Atwell, and was commissioned by the House of Bishops - the first time it has commissioned a national course.

Pilgrim can be used by people with little or no knowledge of the Christian faith and by every tradition in the Church of England. Keep reading

Pilgrim: A Course for the Christian Journey
If you are aware of a conservative evangelical review of this discipleship course, please post the link to that review or the URL for the review in the comment section for the benefit of Anglicans Ablaze readers.

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