
Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Tony Payne: What is the mission of the Christian?.

I’ve just started reading (rather belatedly) What is the Mission of the Church? by Kevin de Young and Greg Gilbert. From what I have read so far, and from the reviews I’ve seen, it promises to be an excellent book on the relationship between disciple-making and social action.

One of the interesting challenges for thinking about the mission of the church, of course, is that in the New Testament it is not the church that is ‘sent’ so much as the disciples (the word ‘mission’ comes from the Latin missio meaning ‘to send’). I suspect this will be only a minor quibble in reading de Young and Gilbert, because what they are basically asking is ‘What is the church’s focus or priority? What should the church be getting on with? What has Jesus commissioned or told the church to do?’ And the ‘mission’ language is a traditional and convenient way of framing that question.

But it does make me think: What is the mission of the disciple? Keep reading

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