
Thursday, October 03, 2013

Top 10 Books on the Bible's Authority

One of the most enjoyable aspects of speaking to different groups on the reliability of the New Testament is the Q&A time. It is an exciting (and risky) affair because you never know what you are going to get. Then again, sometimes you do know what you are going to get. Over the years, one question has been asked more than all others combined: "What are the best books to read on the authority of the Bible?"

Due to the popularity of that question, I have compiled an annotated list of the 10 best books on this topic. It goes without saying that such a list is highly selective (and debatable). So many good books deserve to be included. But my list is guided by these main criteria: (a) books that focus on the theological side of biblical authority and not as much on the historical evidences for the Bible's history (though some overlap is inevitable); (b) books that are "modern," meaning they have been written sometime between the Reformation and the present (otherwise, many patristic works would make the list); and (c) books that are rigorously orthodox (Karl Barth's Dogmatics is not on the list despite the fact that it has been influential on the modern church's view of Scripture).

With these criteria in mind, let's take a look at the top 10.... Keep reading

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