
Monday, October 14, 2013

Vision - A Lot More Than Words

One of the never-ending responsibilities of a leader is to remind people what we’re trying to accomplish and why it matters. This is the essence of vision casting. Unfortunately, most leaders under communicate their preferred picture of the future.

If the leader is sold out to the accomplishment of the vision, why would he or she under-communicate it? There are probably several contributing factors to this phenomena. Perhaps I’ll write more about some of the other root causes in the future. Today, I want to address one of the less obvious. Some leaders assume vision casting is all about what they say. This is a huge mistake.

What a leader says, about vision or anything else, really does matter. However, the leader who relies exclusively on words to help people catch the vision will never get everyone on board. I wrote a post entitled, 7 Ways to Help People Catch Your Vision in which I talk about several strategies beyond words. Beyond the ideas listed in that post, there’s another factor worth exploring – the indirect ways to help people get “it.”

Here are a few examples.... Keep reading

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