
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Karl Vaters: Adapt Or Die: 6 Ways to Create a Change Culture In Your Church

Adapt or die.

The longer I spend in pastoral ministry, the more convinced I am of that truth. Especially in Small Churches.
The good news is, because of our size, Small Churches can adapt more quickly than our larger counterparts. Like steering a speedboat instead of an ocean liner.

Sadly though, that’s not our reputation. Of all the parts of the body of Christ, Small Churches have a far greater and more well-earned reputation for being stubborn, static and refusing to adapt than any other segment of the church.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Historically, small congregations are where most of the church’s revolutionary changes have been birthed – often spilling out into the culture at large. With the American Thanksgiving holiday coming up, it’s important to remember that 37 of the passengers on the Mayflower were members of a Small Church. Yes, a Small Church founded the United States of America! There are many more instances of Small Churches changing world and church history, many of which I outline in The Grasshopper Myth.

This is not just theory or history. It’s a present-day reality. In the last 21 years, I’ve watched as the church I pastor has transformed from a static, dying place into a vibrant, innovative change agent. And there are many other Small Churches doing the same.

And no, we didn’t compromise our core values to do so. They’ve actually been strengthened because of it. (See point #3, below).

Here are 6 steps that many innovative Small Churches have taken to become nimble and adaptable. Keep reading

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