
Friday, November 08, 2013

Tobin Perry: Churches get training to plan for multiplication via planting

In this article Tobin Perry describes a key component in the North American Mission Board's strategy to encourage and help Southern Baptists start 15,000 new churches during the next decade.

Steve Gallimore already knew how effective church planting can be in reaching people with the Gospel when he arrived for Churches Planting Churches Training.

But when he completed CPCT training the next day, Gallimore believed he now had a workable plan to start new churches in three neighboring counties in need of churches.

CPCT, sponsored by the North American Mission Board, is designed to address concerns churches may encounter when deciding to plant. CPCT gives every attending church team the opportunity to develop and get feedback to their plan for starting a new church.

"The second day of the training we began to design plans and began to envision how we could implement those plans," Gallimore said of the sessions at the Nashville-area Brentwood Baptist Church in mid-August. "I think that's what is missing so often in other conferences. They have the [motivation of] 'let's go out and get them,' but you don't actually get the pick, the ax and the shovel out and start building the foundation. We actually presented our plan for planting a church.

"You don't just come away with ideas. You come away with a plan."  Keep reading
Paris, Tennessee is 21.6 miles south of Murray Kentucky. Henry County, Tennessee, is just below Calloway County, Kentucky. Paris is the county seat. 

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