
Friday, November 01, 2013

Ed Stetzer: Four Reasons You Should Have Gone Trick-or-Treating Last Night

Since it is now Hallowmas, the Feast of All Hallows (or All Saints), I have taken the liberty of changing the title of Ed Stetzer's article, which was posted yesterday. 

Halloween's history is checkered, but its opportunity is right now 

I know lots of Christians who avoid Halloween. I did years ago. The Halloween church signs we just posted make that clear. I get it and even respect it, depending on how you handle it.

One of my churchy neighbors makes a point of turning on his lights so that everyone knows he is home, but then won't come to the door when trick-or-treaters come by. I guess it's his way of making a point and sticking it to the devil. That's not probably the best approach.

One the other hand, many churches put on wonderful events as Halloween alternatives, and I understand their goal. Some do it due to their convictions on Halloween and I respect the theological aspect of that decision. I've seen such events done well.

In some cases, such events are the focus for a community, particuarly in areas where driveways and front doors are too many steps apart, and I respect the missional aspect of that decision.

But as more and more of us live in neighborhoods, often surrounded by people we do not know, I do think there is a better way for many of us.

As such, here is my suggestion:
  1. Get a costume.
  2. Buy candy.
  3. Put costume on.
  4. Give candy out.
  5. Go get candy from your neighbors.
  6. Meet all your neighbors.
  7. Build on those new relationships.
Here are four reasons you might want to go trick-or-treating tonight.... Keep reading
As Ed Stetzer points out, trick-or-treating is the best opportunity we have each year to meet our neighbors.
Photo: Trick 'r Treat 

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