
Thursday, November 07, 2013

Ed Stetzer: The Mormon Moment: Let's Not Let It Pass Just Yet

We must lovingly engage our Mormon neighbors for the gospel.

A year ago on this Tuesday was Election Day 2012. Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for President of the United States, and a devout Mormon, lost the election to incumbent President Barack Obama. Throughout the election process, interest in Mormonism was unprecedented. The exposure that came from having a candidate for the highest office in the land resulted in quite a bit of attention toward a religion that had been a mystery to many people.

Yes, it's been a year since the election and I've not talked much about Mormonism. Talking about Mormonism during the election was hard to do—it was too politicized, and, when you mix politics and religion, you get politics. As this helpful article explains, the Mormon Moment is passing, but I think it's worth one more round at this blog... particularly now that the politics are less prominent. Keep reading

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