
Thursday, November 07, 2013

Evangelist in Nepal Had Throat Slit by Man He Prayed With for Months

A Christian evangelist in Nepal has been murdered by a man who he prayed with for months, who lured him into his home at night and then slit his throat, reports have said.

"You are awakened at 3 am. with an urgent request from an acquaintance – one you've ministered to for months who is in desperate need of prayer for healing and deliverance. What do you do? Nepal evangelist Debalal faithfully arose from his bed and traveled 30-minutes away from his village to the home of 29-year old Kumar," the Indian Christian Activist Network reported, noting that the incident took place in Nepal late in October.

The man, Kumar, had apparently received prayers and fellowship from the evangelist many times before. On the night of the incident, the Christian, identified only as "Debelal," entered the man's house to pray, but was attacked by Kumar with an iron rod, and then slit his throat with a khukuri, a popular Nepali knife with a curved blade. Keep reading

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