
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Karl Vaters: The #1 Rule to Help Reduce Church Clutter and Renew Effective Ministry

It’s not easy to create a culture of renewal, change and adaptability in a Small Church.

But it is essential.

As I mentioned in last Friday’s post about creating a change culture in your church, there needs to be a renewal process in place or the changes will be random, unsettling and ultimately, unsuccessful.

Today’s post is about the most effective renewal process I know for Small Churches.

I call it the Closet Rule.

When people have to live in small spaces, like apartment buildings, or renting a room in someone else’s house, they adapt to systems that allow them to have everything they need, without getting cluttered.
One of the first rules recommended by many de-cluttering experts is this: before you add a new item of clothes to your closet, toss out an old one.

Small Churches need to do the same thing.

The Closet Rule for Small Churches: Don’t add a new ministry until you’re willing to lose an old ministry. Keep reading

Photo: La Maison Charmante

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