
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Larry Barker: What If We Really Did Multiply?

What if every church had a vision to plant ten churches in ten years? If two couples were to move to a city with the goal of reproducing themselves and multiplying every three years, it could happen. Four couples could plant 32 churches in ten years. As you study the multiplication of the early church you notice that when it was illegal church planting was exponential, when it became acceptable church multiplication slowed down, and when it became advantageous to be a Christian church multiplication came to a screeching halt.

A church multiplication strategy is committed to developing not a church plant but a network of churches in a city or area. In Luke 10:6 Jesus sent seventy of His followers out in groups of twos with their mission being to find a person of peace. When they left that city, who was left in charge of the Lord’s work? Paul, in his church planting journeys, used this same strategy of finding a potential leader, training them, empowering them, and leaving them in charge. If 10% of our churches were planting churches, we would double in seven years but it will not happen if we do not change the way we think about church planting. Keep reading

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