
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mike Mobley: It’s Okay to NOT Have All the Answers

Christianity is not about having all the answers and knowing everything. Being a follower of Christ does not equal being a Biblical Scholar (not that there’s anything wrong with that). In fact, I would say it’s quite the opposite and as believers in Jesus, it’s a lifelong commitment to learning and growing in our walk with Him. The sooner we can admit that it’s ok to not have all the answers, the better.

The Bible is full of examples of when the disciples didn’t quite get it. When Jesus talked about the parable of the sower in Mark 4, His followers had to ask Him about it afterwards (Mark 4:10-13). When Jesus rose again from the dead and appeared to some of them, the rest of the disciples didn’t believe it (Mark 16:12-13).

These are Jesus’ disciples! They were right there with Him, actually physically walking with Him, witnessed many miracles in their prescense, and still at the end of the day…they didn’t always quite get it. If the disciples didn’t always have all the answers or even doubted Jesus at times, then how much more do you think we won’t have the answers or doubt Jesus ourselves?

He was patient with them every step of the way and He is still patient with us today. We can find great encouragement in the fact that we don’t have to have all the answers. As we continue to walk in our relationship with Christ and grow, here are 3 things to remember when talking with others about the Gospel.... Keep reading

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