
Monday, November 18, 2013

Rhythms of Grace [Video]

In a new interview, Mark Mellinger sits down with Mike Cosper, pastor of worship and arts at Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, Kentucky, to discuss his new book Rhythms of Grace. Through this conversation they explore how the liturgy of a church has a formative effect on its people.

“Rhythms of Grace, for me, is how we got where we are in the church with our gatherings,” Cosper explains, “and how the gathering itself can retell and re-experience the story of the gospel.” For worship planners and pastors alike, this is a topic worth continued pursuit.

Watch the full nine-minute video to hear more about the shaping factors of a church liturgy, thoughts on the worship wars, and more. Watch now
Originally posted on the TGC Worship blog page.

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